Do I need an account to shop at TBSS ?
Create an account and you will have an all access pass to online tracking, order history, special offers, manage addresses and much more..
Not registered users will receive, just after the order is completed, an order receipt e-mail, and once has left our warehouse, another e-mail notifying that your order has been shipped, along with the package tracking information.
Do you ship to my country ?
YES! TBSS orders are delivered WORLDWIDE through Postal System.
We Postal System ground by air services.
Will you charge taxes on my bill ?
No!Countries outside the Taiwan does not charge excise taxes.But the may be derivatized import tariffs borne by the consumer.
Do you issue an invoice ?
Yes! every order we ship is billed, you will find the invoice outside the parcel.
Can you display prices in my currency ?
NO!Our prices are in USD, the US Dollar Currency.
Do you provide a guarantee ?
YES! Every Product sold by TBSS is covered by One Year Limited Manufacturer's Conventional Guarantee, according to the Taiwan Consumer Protection Act, Final Consumers will benefit of Two Years Limited Conformity Guarantee. Customer will access guarantee services keeping shipping invoice.
Are TBSS products street legal ?
No, We are specialized in racing products, so except products whose description or detail form mentions the words "homologated" or "street legal", products that we sell are not street legal, they are not for highway use but only to use in closed circuits, fairs, sport events.