Activity condition:
Just the purchase of RIDEA for TMAX 530 series product more than $ 200 USD (one orders).get free shipping discount.
If your order have other not RIDEA item less then 100 USD..still applies free shipping
If your orders have other not RIDEA item more then 101 USD.. will not apply the free shipping rule.
If all purchase of RIDEA TMAX 530 series no upper limit.
Scope of application:
This time free shipping scope covers worldwide.
Activity time:
July 29 to August 15
Shipping Method:
Postal Air parcels or Air mail
How to get ree shipping code:
Please use the below "Contact Us"
After you place the order.will go through a manual review.
If your order does not conform to our rules.We will direct refund not accept your order.
Limit 20 consumers